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Using Group Tools

Group coaches have a full range of group collaboration tools they can choose for participants. Group participants will then see the following items in the group menu on the left (depending on activation):

Icon Name Description
Information The "Information" is similar to the "Participant info" of the toolbar or the course element "Messages" in courses. Those who have the appropriate authorization can create messages for all group members and, if desired, also send this information by e-mail to subscribers, supervisors and participants. The group administrator can set whether group members can also create and send information.
Calendar Manage your group's appointments via the group calendar. Depending on the configuration, you have write or read-only rights. More general information about the calendar can be found here.
Course If the group is linked to one or more courses, these can be displayed and accessed via the link in the group navigation.
Members Here you will see a list containing all group participants and/or its coaches if activated. Depending on the settings, the waiting list might be visible too. Depending on the configuration the list can be downloaded and printed. E-mails can be sent to the members.
E-Mail Send all group owners or participants an e-mail.
Folder Exchange documents with other group members via the folder. Files can be uploaded or created. Further structuring with subordination is also possible.
Forum Here you can discuss with other group members.
Chat You will see who else is present in the group chat. Enter the chat room to communicate with others in real time.
Wiki Use a Wiki to jointly create learning content.
Portfolio Use a portfolio to jointly create a binder or add entries.
OpenMeetings Use OpenMeetings for online communication and collaboration in virtual classrooms.
BigBlueButton Use BigBlueButton for online communication and collaboration in virtual classrooms. If the room templates are approved, both group moderators and group members can create new meetings for shared online sessions. In the group tool, the recordings are also available for further access after the meeting ends. The functionality is described in the course element BigBlueButton.
Microsoft Teams Use MS Teams for online communication and collaboration in virtual spaces. With appropriate configuration by the group coach, both group coaches and group members can create new meetings for joint online session.

The tools marked with can be subscribed to, so that you are quickly informed about changes.

Virtual classrooms

Depending on the configuration by the OpenOlat Administrator, different virtual classrooms such as OpenMeetings, BigBlueButton, Microsoft Teams are available as group tools.

Gruppenkalender in Verbindung mit Kurskalendern

In einem Gruppenkalender sehen die Gruppenteilnehmer:innen alle Einträge der Gruppenmitglieder, egal ob die Termine privat oder öffentlich gesetzt sind.

Ist die Gruppe einem Kurs zugeordnet, werden im Kurskalender den Gruppenteilnehmer:innen folgende Einträge angezeigt:

  • öffentliche Einträge der Gruppe,
  • die eigenen Gruppenkalendereinträge des jeweiligen Gruppenmitglieds,
  • sowie die kurspezifischen Kalendereinträge.

Personen die nicht Mitglied der Gruppe sind, sehen im Kurskalender die Kalendereinträge der anderen Gruppen nicht. Sind einem Kurs mehrere Gruppen zugeordnet, sehen die Mitglieder also nur die eigenen Gruppenkalendereinträge, aber nicht die der anderen Gruppen.