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Module Instant Messaging

The Instant-Messaging module allows enabling of the "chat" and "messaging" features. The following configuration parameters are available:

Enable chat and messaging: Using this setting the entire Instant- Messaging functionality is enabled or disabled. When disabled all chat and messaging features are turned off.

Chat as group tool: Use this setting to enable the chat room feature as a group tool. When enabled, every group coach can configure a chat room for each individual group. In addition you can allow anonymous chat participation and define if the users real identity or a nickname is shown by default.

Chat as course tool: Use this setting to enable the chat room feature as a course tool. When enabled, every course owner can configure a chat room for each individual course. In addition you can allow anonymous chat participation and define if the users real identity or a nickname is shown by default.

All users can be contacted: With this settings the sending of private messages and chats is allowed between all system users. When enabled, the visiting card of each user will list a link underneath the profile image to send him or her a message. Users can opt out of this feature with their personal configuration.

Show group peers: With this settings the sending of private messages and chats is allowed between group peers. When enabled a list of the group members appears for those groups for which the group member display is configured. Those group peers can be contacted using the messaging feature.

Show online status: This setting enables the display of the users online status for group peers and online users. When disabled, a chat icon appears instead of the status icon. Users then do not know whether their message message can be sent immediately.

More information about the usage of the Instant-Messaging module can be found here: Chat