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Module configuration

The WebDAV module can be enabled/disabled system wide. The following parameters can be configured:

  • WebDAV access
    Enable or disable the WebDAV access. When enabled, all system users can access their OpenOlat folder using WebDAV (recommended).

  • Show WebDAV links
    Decide if the WebDAV URL is displayed in the folder component or not. This is independent of the the WebDAV access. When disabled, WebDAV can still be used but the WebDAV link must be known by users as it is not displayed in the web interface.

  • Digest Authentication for HTTP access
    To use WebDAV on Windows operating systems without manually importing certificates it is mandatory to operate the WebDAV interface using HTTP and no SSL. In that case files will be transfered without encryption. To still transmit the password encrypted, the Digest Authentication method must be used to support Windows.

    Security note

    The Digest Authentication method does not use strong encryption and can be cracked with enough computing effort. To meet very high security demands users should always use HTTPS with SSL encryption. When using Windows this will make it necessary to manually import certificates or to use a dedicated WebDAV client.

  • WebDAV Client exclusion
    Turn exclusion of specific user WebDAV clients on or off.

  • List of User-Agents (comma as separator)
    Not allowed user-agents.

  • Group courses by semester terms
    Activate this option to create a subfolder for each semester containing all courses of this semester. This option increases the usability for many courses. If this option is activated, no "_finished" folder is created for the finished courses. If this option is not activated, all completed courses can be found in the "_completed" folder in WebDAV.

  • Group courses by curriculum elements
    Activate this option to create subfolders for curriculum groups containing all courses of this curriculum group.

  • Group Managed Course

  • Prepend external course reference to title
    Decide whether the course reference should prepend the course title in order to be able to distinguish between similar course titles.

  • Enable access for courses where user is participant or coach
    Activate this option to also allow students and coaches to access their course folders. Only the folders of the corresponding folder course elements are displayed, as well as any integrated resource folders.

  • Enable access for courses that users marked as favorite
    Activate this option to also allow students and coaches to access course folders of courses that are in their favorites list but of which they are not members. This is only possible with the corresponding settings in the access configuration. Only the folders of the corresponding folder course elements are displayed, as well as any integrated resource folder.


More information about WebDAV usage in OpenOlat: Using WebDAV