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LTI 1.3 Integrations

Release 15.5


Important terms in LTI terminology:

Platform: (corresponds to client) LMS in which the external content is integrated
Tool: (corresponds to host) LMS or other application that makes content available to others


Activate LTI

Before the LTI connection can be set up, LTI must first be activated. The checkbox for this is located at the top of the "Configuration" tab.



What's a deployment?

The deployment of a tool determines the extent to which the tool is made available:

  • Deployment in a single course
  • Deployment in entire system
  • Deployment only for current context
  • Deployment generally possible (also in future contexts)

Who can add deployments?

Under Administration > External tools > LTI 1.3 > Tab "Configuration" administrators can determine who can add deployments.


IMS Global Learning Consortium: Learning Tools Interoperability Core Specification

Admin manual: LTI - Externe Werkzeuge

Admin manual: LTI - Externe Plattformen

User manual: LTI-Zugang zu einem Kurs konfigurieren

User manual: Kursbaustein "LTI-Seite“

User manual: LTI-Zugang zu einer Gruppe konfigurieren