Course Element "Topic Broker"
Name | Topic Broker |
Icon | ![]() |
Available since | Release 19 |
Functional group | Administration and organisation |
Purpose | self registration of participants in groups |
Assessable | no |
Speciality / Note | In contrast to the course elements "Topic assignment" and "Enrolment", all participants can specify several topics with priorities in the course element "Topic Broker". OpenOlat then creates assignments based on these topic and prioritization requests. |
With the "Topic exchange" course element, a registration process for a topic is completed in 2 steps:
1. Step: All participants indicate their preferred topics and prioritization.
2. Step: The topics are assigned to the participants.
This division brings more fairness to the allocation of topics, because the allocation does not depend on who was able to register their wishes first.
- One or more course participants can take part in the topic broker (no coaches).
- One or more topics can be offered for selection.
- Participants can specify a priority order for their chosen topics.
- Both a selection of topics and a limit on the number of people per topic can be specified. A limitation to groups is also possible.
- A certain number of topics per participant can also be made mandatory.
- The choice of topic is limited to a specific time slot.
- After closing the time window, OpenOlat can calculate who is assigned which topics based on the specified priorities. The calculation can be triggered automatically or manually. Manual initiation of the assignment (recommended) is reserved for course owners.
The algorithm for automatic topic assignment
If a selection and allocation process works on a "first-come, first-served basis", then this is unfair. This is familiar from the allocation of tickets for football matches and concerts. Users with a better internet connection will be given preference, as will users who have time to log in immediately at the time of publication.
The problem is known as the "stable matching" problem. Details on the implementation in OpenOlat can be found here: OpenOlat_Project_Broker_Matching_Algorithm.pdf
The assignment of topics in the course module Topic Exchange therefore takes place in 2 steps:
- Choice of topic/project/group and indication of personal priorities (first choice, second choice, etc.).
- Once everyone has submitted their preferred wishes, the assignment is made. If a topic was requested with first priority more often than there are places available, the assignment is made using the fair algorithm according to the information on the second priority.
Due to the functionality described above, it is understandable that the topic broker cannot be used in open courses with an undefined number of participants.
Who can record eligible topics?
By default, topics are entered by the course owners.
Coaches can also be allowed to add topics in the "Topics" tab.
Coaches can also be allowed to edit participants. (Assign topic, adjust prioritization, add or remove participants)
Topics can also be imported from an Excel file.
Set up topic exchange (course owner perspective)
"Configuration" Tab
In the "Configuration" tab, the framework conditions for the choice of subject and enrollment are defined.
Enrollment method
The "Fair selection" method is currently available. It is planned that further methods will be added to the selection.
Enrolments per participant
Participants should be able to specify several desired topics, but after the assignment has been carried out, they will only be definitively enrolled for 1 or a limited number of topics. In this field you indicate for how many topics the definitive enrolment will take place. This is a mandatory entry that applies to all participants.
Selection/priorities per participant
If participants have specified several topics, they can mark a selection as their priority/preferred choice. In this field, you specify the maximum number of topics that can be specified as preferred preferred topics.
Participant can ...
If several enrolments were requested as a default in the "Enrolments per participant" field, participants can now be allowed to reduce the number of enrolments individually. (Fewer enrolments than specified in the "Enrolments per participant" field).
Participants may also be allowed to withdraw enrolments if the allocation and enrolment has taken place after the end of the selection period.
Selection period
The selection period is the time window within which participants must submit their topic requests. Enrolment takes place after the end of the selection period.
Enrolment after the deadline
As the course owner, you decide whether the final enrolments are made automatically or manually as soon as the end of the selection period is reached.
Withdraw deadline
This option is only offered if “Withdraw an enrollment” has been selected. If yes, you can optionally specify a time by which an enrollment can be withdrawn.
Authorizations: edit topic
By default, the right to edit the topic specifications is reserved for course owners. With this option, the right can also be given to coaches.
Editing can be specified in even greater detail if the extended configuration is used (toggle button on the right-hand side).
Berechtigungen: Teilnehmer:innen bearbeiten
By default, the right to override and edit a selected topic is reserved for course owners. With this option, the right can also be given to coaches. (They normally only have read-only rights if they select one of the names).
Editing can be specified in even greater detail if the extended configuration is used (toggle button on the right-hand side).
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"Custom fields" tab
Additional fields can be created in the "Custom fields" tab, which are then displayed in each topic. They can be edited and deleted at any time under the 3 dots at the end of a line.
The name entered here appears as an additional field in the "Add custom field" pop-up.
Input type
Text: When entering data, you can enter a text entry for each topic.
File: When entering, a file can be uploaded for each topic, e.g. a pdf file with information on the topic.
Display in table
If the toggle button is activated, this field appears in the overview table by default.
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Tab "Topic" (Capturing topics)
The selectable topics can be added and described by course owners in the "Topics" tab of the course editor. Alternatively, this can also be done outside of the editor in run mode. Depending on the configuration, this can also be done by course coaches.
In the example below, the lower section also contains a field that was added in the "Custom fields" tab.
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Coach topic exchange (course coach perspective)
Capture topics
The selectable topics may have already been added and described by course owners (in the "Topics" tab in the course editor). Alternatively, this can also be done by course tutors. As a coach, select the course element and the "Topics" tab. The topics can be newly created here or imported from an Excel spreadsheet. (You will also find an Excel template for download under the "Import topics" selection option).
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View of topic requests
In the "Participants" tab, coaches can see who has already submitted their topic requests, who is on the waiting list or who is already enrolled. Click on the + in front of one of the names to open the detailed view.
If course coaches have been given the right, they can intervene at any time and override a selection made or make a selection for the person if there is no selection. It is also possible to add another topic.
However, this should only be used in exceptional situations if possible.
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Topic assignment (final enrollment pending)
The process proceeds in the following steps
- "Selection in progress"
- "Definitive enrolment pending"
- "Enrolment completed"
Once all participants have entered their topic requests and the time window for submission has closed, the "Selection in progress" phase is complete. The status changes to "Definitive enrolment pending".
Participants and topics must now be assigned. OpenOlat can automatically make assignments based on the topic and prioritization requests. For this purpose, OpenOlat uses a fair algorithm.
The execution of the assignment process can be triggered automatically or manually. The way in which the process is triggered is determined by the course owner in the course editor in the "Configuration" tab.
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Automatic topic assignment
If the course owner has selected the "Automatic" option in the "Configuration" tab in the course editor, the assignment algorithm will start automatically shortly after the time window in which the participants were able to make their selection has closed. (How long the process runs depends, for example, on the number of topics and participants).
The assignment algorithm is only executed once. The mapping result found is used for enrolment.
However, coaches can manually correct and amend the enrolments see Adjustment
After an automatic assignment, an e-mail is always sent to all course participants.
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Manual topic assignment/enrolment by coaches
If the course owner has selected the "manual" option in the "Configuration" tab in the course editor, the execution of the assignment algorithm must be started by a course administrator.
The time when they trigger enrolment is not fixed.
If the assignment algorithm is triggered manually, several runs can be made. The results differ because the algorithm also contains a random factor. They are listed in a dropdown and coaches can select a run to be used for the final enrolment.
Once the coach has decided on a run (an assignment result), the enrolment is carried out based on this assignment by clicking on the "Apply" button. Reconfirmation is required, as enrolment cannot be repeated with a different assignment result/pass.
In the case of manual kick-off, you can also specify that the participants are subsequently informed of the enrolment by e-mail.
If there are still people with the status "Waiting list" or "Open" after clicking on "Apply", you can assign them manually (see Adjustment).
This may be necessary, for example, if a person has not yet entered a topic after the time window has expired and therefore could not be assigned by the algorithm.
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Influence topic assignment
With a boost function, coaches can add a weighting for each individual and thus take corrective action. The assignments of participants with a boost are given preferential treatment by the enrolment algorithm.
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Correction of topic assignment/enrolment by coaches
For an overview, select the course element as the course coach and then click on the plus symbol in front of a name in the list in the "Participants" tab. The view of the selection and prioritization of this person opens.
As a coach, you have the option of making the enrolment manually or removing a pre-selected topic.
Enrolment (including automatic enrolment) can be canceled by coaches (deregistration).
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Export of topic requests and prioritizations
In the "Topics" tab, you can use the "Export data" button to download a zip file containing all topics, requests and prioritizations (overview as an Excel file).
The button is available both in the course editor (for course owners) and in run mode for coaches/owners.
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Choice of topic (student perspective)
As a participant, simply select the course element Topic Broker in your course. Depending on the phase of the enrolment process, you will be shown the current status of topic allocation.
1. Step: Select topics
Click on the "Add" button for a topic description that you would like to enrol in and it will be added to the list of your selected topics.
Depending on the preset authorization, participants can also withdraw an enrolment or reduce the number of enrolments.
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2. Step: Prioritize topics
If you have many topics to choose from, it is advisable to first include all possible topics in your selection. In a second step, you can then create a ranking list from this preselection.
As long as the selection is still in progress (the time window for this is not yet closed), you can change the position of the topics in your list by clicking on the double arrows. Excess topics will then not be considered for enrolment.
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3. Step: Wait for assignment
You will be informed as soon as you have been assigned a topic. The final assignment and enrolment (by your coach) will only take place once the selection period has expired and all course participants have submitted their requests. (To enable fair allocation, OpenOlat creates an allocation proposal from an algorithm).
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4. Step: Request enrolment(s)
As soon as the final enrolment has been made by the coach, you as a participant will be able to see in the course element which topic(s) you have been enroled for.
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Further informations
Course element Topic Assignment
Course element Enrolment