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Create a blog

Please differentiate:

  • Create blog (= create course element/learning resource blog and insert into the course)

    You can find out how to create and configure a new blog as a course owner on separate pages. A distinction must be made between the course element "Blog" and the learning resource "Blog". You can integrate external blogs as well as create and use a new OpenOlat learning resource "Blog".

  • Create blog entry (= add a post to an existing blog)

    Course owners/coaches should at least initially create the initial questions or texts. Readers can then comment on and evaluate them.

    It is also possible to give course participants the right to write a blog so that they can run a course blog together. To create blog entries, click on the "Create new entry" button and then write the blog entry.

  • Comment on blog entry (= comment on existing blog entries)

    All course members can comment on posts. To post a comment or read existing comments, click on the "Comments" link. You can also see the comments of other blog readers.
    See Blogging, commenting on posts

  • Rating a blog entry (= rate existing blog entries with stars)

    All course members can rate posts with 1-5 stars. To give a rating, click on the stars displayed. You can also see the ratings of other blog readers.
    See Blogging, Assessing posts

Further information

Step-by-step-instructions: How do I create a blog?
Create blog
Course element blog