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Working with folders

Release 19.0
In Release 19, the folder component has been completely revised and some of the views and working methods have changed.


Use the buttons above the list to switch between

  • hierarchical view with folders and
  • only files in the view




In the crumb trail below the buttons, you can always see which folder you are currently in. Click on a section in the crumb trail to jump directly to this level.

The search function in folders is looking for

  • File names,
  • Description and
  • Creator

in the current folder and its subfolders. (It is currently not a full-text search, i.e. no search within Word files, for example.)

File status

The file status can be found in the "File status" column. (If the column is not visible, it can be displayed using the gear icon.)

If a file is currently being edited, it receives the status "Being edited".

The status "locked" can be set in the metadata. You edit the metadata under the 3 dots at the end of a line.

When a file is uploaded, it is first marked with a label as "New". (This helps with immediate "further processing", such as moving or copying). The label is only displayed to the person who uploaded the file. It disappears as soon as the folder has been exited.

Working with files

Actions via menu

To move, copy, download, pack (zip) or delete files, you will find selection options under the 3 dots at the end of a line (right-hand edge of a list).

Drag & drop

Files can also be moved to a selected target field using drag & drop with the mouse.

Multi file upload

It is also possible to select several files and move them together to the target field.

Mass actions

As soon as at least one checkbox is selected at the beginning of a line in a list, buttons with available options (download, move, etc.) appear above the list.

If you select the checkbox in the header, all list entries are selected and highlighted. This allows you to quickly edit several entries at the same time.

Trash can

The files in the recycle bin can be deleted automatically after a certain period of time. The retention period in the recycle bin and automatic deletion is set by the administrator.


The folder component is used in the following OpenOlat areas:

  • Shared Folder
  • Course Documents Folder
  • Course Logs Archive
  • Library Module
  • Project broker
  • Collaboration Tools
  • Taxonomy / Lost & Found
  • Participant Folder