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Question Bank: Import Questions

There are three ways to import QTI 2.1 questions into the question pool using the import button.

Question Import

  • ZIP-file from local computer: Choose this option if you have a set of questions or a test as .zip-file.
  • Tests from authoring area: Select the test you want to import from the available learning resources. To do this, click on the "Import learning resource" link in the corresponding line. All questions of the selected learning resource are imported directly into the question pool.
  • QTI 2.1 Excel import via copy&paste: Prepare the questions in the "template excel import" you can find in the import wizard. When you are finished creating your questions in the Excel file, select the the questions in Excel and copy&paste them to the input field.

Usage of the file "Excel Import Template"

Start the Excel import via Copy&Paste and download the Excel import template. It forms the basis for your further procedure.

The question import via Excel files allows you to import multiple questions at once in simple way. The import of excel questions can for example be used to import questions from other systems when the questions do also support the QTI 2.1 standards.

The Excel template contains four columns:

a) Keyword/Score: Aspect at issue

b) Value: the desired value or text

c) Extra: Extra information

d) Explanation: Further explanations, e.g. whether this element is optional.

The template contains information for importing the following question types: * FIB (Fill in the blank) * Numerical * MC (Multiple Choice) * Inlinechoice * SC (Single Choice) * KPRIM * Essay * Matrix * Drag&Drop * Truefalse

The questions are each listed one below the other with a separator line. When copying, Excel or a similar program such as OpenOffice or Numbers converts the data into a comma-separated text.

The options for the question types contained in the template are presented below:

Multiple-choice question

type MC for multiple-choice
title Title of the question / topic
question The question text. Minimal HTML formatting is allowed.
max. answers Max. number of possible answers.
min. answers Min. number of possible answers.
points The maximal score. The minimal score is always set to 0.

You can create as many answers as you like, each in a separate line. The point values for the individual answers can also be defined, e.g.


Single-choice question

type SC für Single-Choice
title Title of the question / topic
question The question text. Minimal HTML formatting is allowed.
points The maximal score. The minimal score is always set to 0.
Points when this option is selected, e.g. "1" (correct) or "-1" (incorrect) Options text. You can have as many options as you like, each on a separated line with a "0" or "1" point configuration

Fill-in-blank (gap) question

type FIB for fill-in-blank
title Title of the question / topic
points The maximal score. The minimal score is always set to 0.
text A text element
Points when the gap is correctly answered, e.g. "1" Correct answer in a gap. Synonyms can be entered separated with ";". Size of the gap and the maximum characters that can be entered is configured, e.g. "10,8".

Numerical Input

type Numerical Input
title Title of the question / topic
points The maximal score. The minimal score is always set to 0.
text A text element, the question
Points when the gap is correctly answered, e.g. "1" Correct answer in a gap. Synonyms can be entered separated with ";".


Numerische Eingabe Import Beispiel

Gap with dropdown

type Inlinechoice for gab with dropdown
title Title of the question / topic
Question The question text.
points The maximal score. The minimal score is always set to 0.
text Text elements with further parts for the question or texts before and after the gaps.
Points when the gap is correctly answered, e.g. "1" The optional answers of the dropdown list seperated. The correct answer is entered in the following column.


Lückentext mit Dropdown Import Beispiel

KPRIM question

type KPRIM
title Title of the question / topic
question The question text. Minimal HTML formatting is allowed.
points The maximal score. The minimal score is always set to 0.
+ Correct answer
- Incorrect answer
- Incorrect answer
+ Correct answer

Correct answers are therefore marked with + and incorrect answers with -.

Essay question

type ESSAY
title Title of the question / topic
question The question text. Minimal HTML formatting is allowed.
points The maximal score. The minimal score is always set to 0.
min Minimum word count
max Maximum word count

MATCH question

type MATCH
title Title of the question / topic
question The question text. Minimal HTML formatting is allowed.
points The maximal score. The minimal score is always set to 0.

The matrix itself is distributed across the columns and rows. The corresponding points are entered in the appropriate field. Here is an example with 3 columns and 3 rows:


Drag and Drop question

type Drag & drop
title Title of the question / topic
question The question text. Minimal HTML formatting is allowed.
points The maximal score. The minimal score is always set to 0.

The implementation in the Excel template is similar to Matrix questions and is spread over several columns and rows. The corresponding points are entered in the appropriate field. Here is an example with 3 columns and 3 rows:

Drag and Drop Import_Beispiel

TrueFalse question

type Truefalse
title Title of the question / topic
question The question text. Minimal HTML formatting is allowed.
points Maximum achievable score. The minimum score is 0.

Column unanswered: Points that are awarded or deducted if no decision is made by the user.

Column Right: Points awarded when the answer "Right" is selected by the user.

Column Wrong: Points awarded if the answer "False" is selected by the user.


True False Import_Beispiel


In addition to the listed fields, there are other optional fields such as "Topic", "Keywords", "License", etc. For more details, see the Excel import template provided as part of the import process.