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Global search

You will find the global search in the top right-hand corner of the header. Click on the magnifying glass symbol.

If you enter a search term here and confirm it by pressing the Enter key or clicking on the magnifying glass next to it, a search across all will take place.

This means that the entire OpenOlat system is searched and also within the documents. It is a full text search.


Search results

Appear in the search results of the global search:

  • Data shared in business cards by users
  • Data / documents from "public folders" of users
  • Data / documents from courses in which you are a member and to which you also have access as a course member
  • Data / documents from courses that are configured as follows under Settings > Sharing: "Without booking" or "Freely available"


The global search is only visible and usable if it is activated in the administration. If this is not the case for you, please contact the administrator in your OpenOlat instance.

Further information

General things about the search >
Local search >
Personal search >
Search in a course >
Search in FileHub >