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Delete object

Mark as deleted

Single action

Single action for mark as deleted

  1. Warning
    1. Message Standard text.
    2. Effects List with effects of the action (optional).
  2. Notification List with users who are notified (optional).
  3. Confirm Confirmation by the user(optional).

Bulk action

Bulk action for mark as deleted

  1. Warning
    1. Message Standard text.
    2. Effects List with effects of the action (optional).
  2. Affected objects List with all objects that are affected.
  3. Notification List with users who are notified (optional).
  4. Confirm Confirmation by the user (optional).

Delete permantly

Single action

Single action for delete permanetly

  1. Warning Standard text.
  2. Notification List with users who are notified.
  3. Confirm Confirmation by the user.

Bulk action

Bulk action for delete permanetly

  1. Warning Standard text.
  2. Affected objects List with all objects that are affected.
  3. Notification List with users who are notified.
  4. Confirm Confirmation by the user.