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The Coaching tool is used for the cross-course organisation and administration of courses, participants and groups as well as for cross-course correction of tests and cross-course absence management.

With the Coaching tool, group and course coaches have the possibility to see and manage all course or group participants assigned to them at a glance. Use the menu to view the learning statistics of individual users, groups or courses and to quickly access the assessment tool for individual participants in different ways. This allows coaches to quickly make assessments and get a complete overview.

Use column sorting according to the desired information.

The tab "Coaching" only appears if this option has been activated by the administrator.
Please note that courses can only be displayed as passed if the course main node has also been configured accordingly.


If the absence management of OpenOlat is used, the area " Lectures " also appears in the coaching module.

Tab Cockpit

A specific day can be selected in the cockpit and the corresponding lectures and absences can be displayed in an overview. Via the displayed overview and by clicking on the respective course, the coach also has access to further information.

Tab Lectures

Here you can select a time window and search for keywords. An overview of different lecture blocks is displayed. You can find more information about "Lectures" here.

Tab Absences

In the tab "Absences" you can enter new absences and search for specific types and reasons for the absence.

Tab Notice of absences / dispensation

Similar to the Absences tab, notices of absences and dispensations can be displayed here according to certain criteria and new dispensations can also be entered.

Tab Appeals

Here you can search for rejected, accepted or pending status for a certain period of time.

Tab User search

Overview of all users of the respective coach. You can search for individual persons as well as for persons of certain courses or for the curriculum.


The "Participants" area contains an overview, including the current status of all participants from all courses of the respective coach, which are displayed in the Coaching Tool. This table provides you with an overview of how many courses you are coaching a user is a member of (column "# Course"), how many of them they have already attended (column "Logged in") or passed. In the column "Logged in" a color coding as well as the number gives a quick overview if participants have already logged in to all their courses (=green) or if they have logged in to only a part of the courses (=orange) or not at all (=red) so far.

A click on the name leads to an overview of all courses of this participant.

This gives the teacher access to the assessment areas of a person's course, including access to the respective credits, the course's assessment tool and the respective lessons.


The menu item Groups opens a tabular overview of all the groups you have coached in the courses that are in the coaching tool. In contrast to the participant and course overview, only those OpenOlat users appear in the group overview who are linked to one of the coaching courses via the group system. You can see at a glance how many courses the respective group is involved in, whether all group members have already logged into the group at least once and how many participants the group has in total.

Furthermore you will get information about how many group members have already passed the corresponding course. A click on a group name opens the list of group members with further information about the score, certificate etc. Clicking on a user name will again open the user-specific overview and you will get access to the person's assessment tool for the associated course and have access to the lessons and the respective certificate.


Similarly, after clicking on the menu item Courses, you will see a tabular overview of all the courses you have supervised, which have been published, completed or at least made available to coaches. In this display you will also quickly get an overview of the number of participants of individual courses as well as the progress of the entire course participants. A green dot symbolizes that all course participants have logged in at least once. An orange dot indicates that some of the course participants have already accessed the course. A red dot indicates that no participants have logged into the course yet.

A further click on a course name shows the course participants you are coaching and their progress. Afterwards you can navigate back to the assessment tool of a course participant as well as display the performance overview or absence management.

User relations

With the user-to-user relationship in OpenOlat, cross-course support functions can be set up in the administration or user management for mentors, learning guides and supervisors, for example. If this is the case, coaches can easily access the persons to be coached in the coaching tool and make evaluations.

For each user-to-user relationship, specific rights can be defined and thus access to explicitly approved content of the coaches can be granted, such as course list, calendar, absence overview, performance records and certificates. The role of "line manager" is mapped in the coaching tool in the same way. Here, defined contents can also be accessed by users of the own organizational unit.

Grading assignments

With the new correction infrastructure, assigned graders, independent of their general OpenOlat role, can access and correct online tests outside of the courses via the coaching tool, even without course membership.

Learning resource administrators or course owners will get an overview in the menu "Grading assignments" with all graders and their correction assignments including a display of how many orders are still open or overdue.

Tab Graders

Here you get an overview of all persons who have been added to your own tests as graders. It is possible to filter the persons according to the respective tests or to get an overview of the assigned tests to be corrected for a person. Using the corresponding column selection, you can see how many tests a grader is supposed to evaluate in total, how many he/she has already completed, how many are open, which are overdue. The scheduled correction time and the actual correction time are also displayed.  

Test owners can also add further graders to their own tests at this point.

It is also possible to add graders directly at the respective test learning resource.

Tab Grading assignments

Here you can view the processing status of the grading assignments of the different graders of the tests you are the owner of and filter them according to various criteria.

Tab My grading assignments

Here the grader finds all his/her tests to be evaluated and can display them according to certain criteria, e.g. concrete test, pass/fail or processing status. Via the link "Grade" the grader can go directly to the test to be corrected and can make manual assessments and also overwrite automatic assessments if necessary. It is also useful to leave a corresponding comment. Depending on the configuration, the assessment can also be anonymous.

The clear display of the evaluation of individual test questions shows very well where there is still need for action.

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