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This tool enables you to easily create and edit your learning content with an editor. You can furthermore integrate any files you want. Learning content will be saved as IMS Content Packages (IMS CP). IMS Content Packaging is one simple standard to use web-based learning content with different systems. Learning modules created with this editor can also be used with other e-learning systems. For further information on IMS CP please go to:


The editor consists of a title bar, a strucure section on the left, and an input field in its center. The symbols on the left in the title bar enable you to:

  • Add page
  • Copy page
  • Import page
  • Delete page

The symbols on the right in the title bar enable you to:

  • Preview
  • Edit page properties
  • Help

Add page

Select the page you want to add a sub-page to before clicking on the button "Add page." Your sub-page will be added right underneath the page selected, however, you can still move your sub-page.

Copy page

To copy a page along with its sub-pages just select that page and click on the button "Copy page" in the title bar.

Import content

This feature enables you to upload files such as pictures, videos, HTML pages, and PDFs to the editor before integrating those new pages into the structure already existing. If you need to insert several files at once you have to zip them first before adding that new ZIP file as a new page. The structure within that ZIP file will be inserted in the menu. You can further choose if media files such as PDF or Word should be integrated as well.
Just select that page in the structure underneath of which your newly imported pages should be inserted. Click the button "Import page" in the title bar. A window will open from which you can then select the appropriate file.

Move page

This feature cannot be accessed by means of the button in the title bar.
Select the page you want to move before dragging and dropping it at its new position (holding the mouse button down). It is possible to insert your page underneath another one or at the same level. You can even insert a page within another one (as submenu item).

Delete page

To delete a page along with its sub-pages just select that page and click the button "Delete page" in the title bar. The dialog window allows you to decide whether you want it to be removed only from the navigation menu or along with its corresponding context (HTML/PDF document).

Rename page

This feature cannot be accessed by means of the button in the title bar.
Select that page you want to rename. By selecting the page name in the menu an input field will open to modify that name. Use the Escape (Esc) button to cancel your modification. Use the enter key to activate it.

Edit page content

Select the page you want to edit. Its content will be shown in an editor to be able to make any necessary modifications. Formatting is also possible by means of buttons. Just click "Save" at the bottom of your editor to apply changes. We recommend to cache longer texts.


The button "Preview" in the title bar enables you to check up on your learning module anytime.

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