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With OpenOlat 16.0 we release our next major release.

This introduces new design options for the course and in the course preview, optimized usability and more flexible filter options for tables, as well as a copy wizard for Learn Path Courses. The capture of a 3G Covid certificate is possible in the user profile and simplifies the verification e.g. when entering rooms. In the eAssessment area, the display of test durations has been extensively revised and the functionality of various QTI question types has been enhanced. Reminders can now also be managed at course element level. The progress determination for the viewing of videos in OpenOlat allows an improved control of the processing status of participants. Individual colors for calendar entries and new features for BigBlueButton integration such as the adoption of OpenOlat profile pictures provide personalization and a good overview. Numerous enhancements for individual course elements, additions to the Learn Path course, and optimized displays complete this release. 

Since release 15.5, over 95 new functions and improvements have been added to OpenOlat. Here you can find the most important new features and changes. In addition, more than 105 bugs have been fixed. The complete list of changes in 15.5 - 15.5.6 can be found here.

3G Covid certificate

Proof of a 3G Covid certificate can be stored in the user profile.

If the presentation is a prerequisite for attending an event, users can scan or upload a valid COVID certificate beforehand or manually add 3G data details.

No data is stored in the process, only the information is validated. The status of the certificate (green, yellow or red) can be called up by users in their profile and can be shown, for example, when entering rooms.

The capture of the certificate can also be performed by selected 3G representatives, e.g. the secretary's office.

We will be happy to advise you on the activation and introduction of the module: contact@frentix.com

(German only)

Custom course layout, course element preview, and advanced metadata

Custom course layout

In the Layout tab of the course settings, the default style for the header of the course elements can now be defined. With the selection of a teaser image (template or own image) as well as a color category and optional design options, such as positioning and gradient, a customized course layout can be implemented. Various standard images and categories are already available as templates.

In the preview, you can directly see how the options affect the design. 

On the course element level, the standard style defined for the course can be overwritten. In this way, certain course elements can be equipped with other images or colors, or each element can be given its own specific header layout.

Optimized course element preview

The header design for course elements also results in an attractive design of the automatically generated overview pages at the top course node and at the structure element. These preview overviews have been adapted to the display of the course element layouts.

New metadata fields for course elements

The description field for course elements is often not enough to include all the necessary information and to display them in a structured way for the participants. Therefore, additional fields have been added to provide information on the learning objectives of the course element as well as instructions for participants on how to complete the element. In addition, notes for the course coach can be deposited by the course author. At the same time, the display of the field contents in the course run has also been optimized.

Usability for tables

In Release 16.0, we have once again dedicated ourselves to the tables in OpenOlat and, in addition to minor visual adjustments, we primarily made the filter and search function more compact.

Tabs, filter menu and search

The display above the tables has become slimmer. Instead of tabs, the previous areas are available as predefined filters. The new dynamic filter function can be accessed when needed and allows to filter the data of the table according to different criteria, individually or in combination.

Individual filters can be saved for later use. 

A full text search is available across the whole table.

Bulk actions

For a reduced and clear display, mass actions for table data are now only shown if data is actually selected. Available mass actions then appear above the table.

Visual improvements

For very wide tables that require horizontal scrolling, the left and/or right side is visually highlighted with a shadow to show that there are additional non-visible columns there. The leftmost and rightmost selection and action columns in the table are now always displayed, even when scrolling horizontally. This way, both functions are always available.

For visual support, selected columns are highlighted with color.

Copy Wizard for learn path courses

When copying courses, the requirements as to what exactly should and should not be copied are often very different. Once, for example, groups, folder contents or an integrated blog are to be reused. Another time, no groups are needed, but a newly created, empty wiki. Or it is desired that course-specific terms of use and reminders are adopted.

As of Release 16.0, these different scenarios can be implemented with the Copy Wizard for Learn Path Courses. Copy the course automatically with a few clicks using predefined default settings, or make individual copy settings for course elements. Update the metadata for the new course and determine, for example, which course members should be retained and which learning resources should be reused.

The Copy Wizard also allows you to move existing dates, such as course execution period, survey release date, or assignment submission deadlines, to specifically match these dates to a new course execution.

QTI: End of support for QTI 1.2


The support for QTI 1.2 ends with release 16.0!

The conversion of QTI 1.2 questions, tests and questionnaires is only possible via export to older release versions.

Before updating, please check if there is still QTI 1.2 content on your OpenOlat system that you would like to continue using and convert it to QTI 2.1. The conversion of QTI 1.2 questionnaires to new questionnaires / forms is not supported, they have to be rebuilt.

QTI / eAssessment

Additions to question types

Essay questions have been equipped with an option to prevent copying and pasting text from external sources (office documents, web pages, chat messages, etc.).

The question type File Upload now supports uploading of up to 10 separate files. The author can specify the maximum number of uploads allowed to answer the question.

In the question type Hotspot, the positioning of hotspots has been improved. Elements can now be copied and aligned horizontally or vertically via button. This makes creating identical shapes and visually appealing positioning quick and easy.

Optimization of the displayed information about the test period

Before and during the test, it is important for participants to be able to gather all necessary information about the test period and the current test time as quickly as possible and at one glance. The display of time information has been extensively optimized in Release 16.0.

Display before test start

Displays during test execution

Course reminders

Reminders at the course element

Reminders at the course element
Reminders could previously be created via the course administration. This previously rather hidden feature is now also available directly on the respective course element in the editor and in the execution view so that authors can quickly and easily create new reminders.

All existing reminders that apply to this course element are displayed in a separate tab. Additional reminders can be created and existing ones can be edited or deleted. Only the reminder conditions that are available for the respective course element type are available for selection.

At the top course node all reminders are listed that are not bound to a specific course element. A log of already sent reminders is also available.

Additional recipients

Reminders are sent only to participants by default. In certain cases it is important to inform additional recipients about certain events. Optionally, a copy of the reminder email can now also be sent to course owners, assigned coaches or an external mail address (e.g. secretary's office or administration).

Further improvements

The rule "Passed" has been extended to cover the state Not yet assessed in addition to Passed / Not passed.

Videos in OpenOlat

Prevent fast-forwarding in videos

This option in the video course element prevents participants from using the slider in the video navigation to fast-forward in the video. If the option is enabled, fast-forwarding is limited to sections of the video that participants have already viewed. Fast-forwarding is then only possible to the point that was viewed last.

In Learn Path Courses, the progress of watching a video is also saved as the progress of the course element and is displayed in the learning path tool. If participants open the course element again and the video was not finished the first time, a continuation dialog appears.

Hide video title

Sometimes the display of the video title is not desired or not useful, therefore this can be activated or deactivated using a new option.

Learning path: Watch video to the end

Videos in the learning path previously had to be completed manually by participants. The information about how far participants have already watched a video now makes it possible to use this progress as a completion criteria in the learning path. The criterion "video watched to the end (95%)" has therefore been added for video modules. 

Download video

A download button for locally stored video files has been added to the "Video" learning resource. If multiple transcodes are available, they are displayed in a drop-down menu including the master file.

Other innovations regarding courses

  • Participant folder: Show defined "time window for submission" of documents as information for participants
  • Task module: configuration for administration of tasks and sample solutions by coaches placed centrally (screenshot)
  • Group task: File upload for group or individual assessment documents added
  • Individual page: improved readability of "Edit page" function
  • Separate course folder for coaches (no access for participant)
  • Removed "Groups" tab in assessment tool in favor of new table filters
  • Selection of multiple files for final deletion in course folder added
  • Addition of didactic course types, visual identification in the course overview and on the course info page.

New in the learning path

  • Completion criteria "E-mail sent" for course element "E-mail" (screenshot)
  • Course element-specific default values for completion criteria
  • Additional course navigation below the content
  • Manual assessment: Automatic status change "Correction" if participant access granted

BigBlueButton extensions

An existing meeting can be used as a configuration template for another one by copying it. The "Create Meeting" dialog will open and already contains the copied settings, which can be adjusted if needed.

OpenOlat profile pictures are transferred to BBB and displayed as an avatar in the meeting participant list.

Those who want to join a BBB meeting via an external link can authenticate with their OpenOlat account in addition to logging in as an anonymous meeting guest.

In the list of recordings, the type "Download" is supported and indicated accordingly with its own icon.

Additional notes

  • Calendar:
    • Individual color customization of calendar entries (screenshot)
    • Optimization of text and background colors of calendar entries for WCAG-compliant contrast
  • Quality management: Exclusion of courses based on course type when sending questionnaires
  • General optimization of error and warning displays
  • Improvement of tab navigation in forms
  • Enhanced display of radio button as "card" for additional details, e.g. description and images
  • Send mail copy to user life-cycle mails to configurable mail address

Technical details

  • LDAP: Support for fields containing multiple values
  • New technical implementation of the learning path progress bar based on SVG
  • "Forgot password" link to external page for Tocco login provider
  • Unsupported Transcodings removed from Administration