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Since OpenOlat version 15.0 the old QTI 1.2 format is no longer supported and the old tests can no longer be used in this format.

As of OpenOlat 16.0, conversion of QTI 1.2 tests is no longer possible!

Convert whole tests

These steps are no longer possible after OpenOlat 16!

To convert a QTI 1.2 test, open the learning resource test (not the course element) and choose under Test → "Convert to QTI 2.1". 

A copy of the old test is saved in the new format. Both test versions are available under "My entries".

If the learning resource has been embedded in the course as test, it will not be exchanged automatically.

If you want to run the test in the new format QTI 2.1 you can either create a new course element test where you embed the briefly converted learning resource or you exchange the learning resource in the existing test. 


If you exchange the existing test all results will be lost. It is thus recommended to create a new course element test and limit the visibility/access to the old test.

Convert single questions

Beside tests also single questions can be converted. Questions are converted in the question bank. Therefore open the question bank, mark the questions (in the format IMS QTI 1.2) you want to convert and confirm with the button Convert.

Converted questions will be saved under My questions. 

If you have put some questions to lists or shares as well, the will be found there still in the format QTI 1.2 If you want to have the questions also there in the new format QTI 2.1 you need to add the questions again to the list or share manually. The old questions can be removed to avoid a doubled appearance. 


The following points need to be considered when converting questions or tests from QTI 1.2 to QTI 2.1:

  • If a hint is added, it will be shown in QTI 2.1 anyway. It cannot be hidden. (Shown as button, which can be opened by test participants)
  • If a feedback is filled in, it will be shown in QTI 2.1 anyway. It cannot be hidden.
  • The description on test level will not be converted. In QTI 2.1 no description can be added to the test level.
  • The section description is converted. In QTI 2.1 it will be shown above each question.
  • The question description is not converted and will not be shown anywhere in the QTI 2.1 questions, as QTI 2.1 question items do not have a description. 
  • Time limits are available in QTI 2.1 only for the whole test. Time limit on the level of questions or sections are therefore not converted. 
  • For gap text questions alternatives can be added. The separation of these alternatives has been done by semicolon in QTI 1.2 and will be done be comma in QTI 2.1. During the conversion, the separation sign is changed.


After converting please check the test configuration to make sure, that the test is shown as you desired.