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With the aid of the following guidelines you will create a blog for your course before adapting it according to your needs.

Step 1: Open course editor and insert blog course element
1Search for your course in "Authoring", section "My entries," and open it.
2Click on "Course editor" in the drop-down menu "Administration" in the toolbar.
3Select position at which your Blog course element should be inserted by clicking on it.
4Select "Blog" in the pop-up "Insert course elements" in the toolbar.
5Indicate a short title for your course element in the tab "Title and description" and save your settings.
Step 2: Create Blog
1Click on "Select, create or import blog" in the tab "Blog learning content."

2Click on "Create."
3Indicate the title of your blog and click on "Create".

In the "Blog learning content" tab, define whether other groups of people (coaches, participants, guests) are allowed to create posts in the blog in addition to the course owner.

Step 3: Fill Blog with Content
1Click on "Edit." Afterwards, an external blog can be integrated or a new OpenOlat blog can be created. In the following it is assumed that a new blog is created.

2Click on "Create your own entries" to create an OpenOlat learning resource blog and provide the first entry.

Indicate title, description and content before clicking on "Publish."

4Additional entries can then be added via "Create new entry" in the course editor or when the editor is closed.

Further entries can be added later on following the same pattern or directly within the course view.

Step 4: Publish and activate your course

Close the course editor and publish the course.

Your blog is now embedded and course participants can read the first entry.

Alternatively, a blog can be created just like any other learning resource in the author area and then integrated into the desired course. This is a good way to understand that learning resources are cross-course tools and that inclusion in the course is only one way. The same blog can be included in several Olat courses and can also be used independently of the course.

  • Keine Stichwörter