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Lernpfade haben im Gegensatz zu herkömmlichen Kursen nicht die Tabs „Sichtbarkeit“ und „Zugang“, sondern den Tab „Lernpfad“. Hier können folgende Dinge konfiguriert werden:

Tab "Learning path"

  • Mandatory: The completion of the course element is binding and will be considered in the percentage evaluation.
  • Optional: Completion will not be taken into account when displaying percentages.
  • Release date: Date as of which the element can be edited by the user.
  • Due date: If a course element is mandatory you can also enter a date by which the element must be completed.
  • Learning time (minutes): Here you can enter how long the creator estimates the processing time for a given element. It does not depend on how much time the user really needs for that element. This setting is particularly relevant if the progress of learning is determined by the processing time in the course settings. In this case all times are summed up and the total sum is taken as the basis for 100%.

These settings are available for almost all course elements. An exception is the course element "Structure" that is meant for bundling course elements.  In the structure element you can only define a sequence of learning steps that applies to all subordinate course elements, either sequentially or in specific order.

Completion criterion

Most course elements offer the possibility that the element is considered "done" when it is opened or when the user explicitly confirms the processing. Depending on your course element there are also other criteria for completion.

Visit course element

Task, Single Page, Test, CP, Folder, Blog, Video live stream, Edubase, External Site, SCORM, Podcast, Video, card2brain, Assessment, Grouptask, Self-test, Check list, Survey, Wiki, File dialog, Particiant list, OpenMeeting, Forum, Participant folder, Vitero, GoToMeeting, Enrollment, E-mail, Notification, Calendar, LTI, Appointment scheduling, Topic assignment, Link list

Confirmation by participant

Task, Single Page, Test, CP, Folder, Blog, Video live stream, Edubase, External Site, SCORM, Podcast, Video, card2brain, Assessment, Grouptask, Self-test, Check list, Survey, Wiki, File dialog, Particiant list, OpenMeeting, Forum, Participant folder, Vitero, GoToMeeting, Enrollment, E-mail, Notification, Calendar, LTI, Appointment scheduling, Topic assignment, Link list


Task, SCORM, Assessment, Grouptask, Check list, Test, LTI


Task, SCORM, Assessment, Grouptask, Check list, Test, LTI

Execution done

Task, Grouptask

Coach has set status to "done"Assessment, Check list
Test finishedTest
Survey finishedSurvey
Enrollment doneEnrollment
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