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To work with OpenOLAT a user account need to be created. Either this happens with an external user management system or in OpenOLAT directly. In OpenOLAT directly all users are managed in the user management.  

People with the role administrator or user manager can search for existing users, create or import news users and delete users. As soon as a user is created  he has access to OpenOLAT. Afterward roles can be added to the user. 

Further information about the single roles can be found here

In the user management a new password can generated or reseted for users. This happens in the tab "Change password". The section "Send password link for OpenOLAT password" is only displayed if the user is allowed to change the password.

Further, in the user management in the view of a single user the tab learning resources can be found. Here you get an overview about all learning recourses where the user is subscribed. Here a user can be added as coach or owner for several learning resources at once. 

In access and rights users can be found according to their access and rights. E.g. you get an overview about users with the role of the user manager. 

In the menu on the bottom "Predefined searches" can be found. Here e.g. those users can be found who have been added in the last week, the last month or even in the last half-year. You can also get an overview about users who do not belong to any group. 

Deleting Users and data protection

The "Deleted Users" table in the user management contains the following information that is relevant to the user deletion process:

  • Del_User name: In the delete process the user name of the deleted user is replaced by an ID.
  • Name / Last name: If the deleted user is an administrative user, first and last name are displayed here. If necessary, this data can also be deleted using the "Clear" action.
  • Deleted: When was the user deleted.
  • Roles: Displays the administrative roles of the person who was deleted.
  • Deleted by: Who deleted the user.
  • Clear: Action to delete the first and last names of administrative users.

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