Each learning resource has an information page. This can be filled by the course owner and is available to interested parties after publication of the learning resource, independent of a booking, before entering the learning resource. This is useful, for example, if you want to inform the target group in advance.
The info page is set up via the "Administration" menu and the "Info", "Metadata" and "Execution" tabs. The more detailed you describe the learning resource, the easier it can be found and the better informed interested parties and later participants are.
The screenshot shows the "Settings" of a course. Depending on the learning resource only a part of the tabs is available.
Title of the learning resource: A requiered field. This title (maximum 100 characters) can also be used to find the learning resource in the search mask. Enter a title for the learning resource that is as short and precise as possible.
Identifier: An external identifier for the resource, for example, the name from the course catalog or a printed course catalog.
Description: Here you can provide more information about the learning resource and mention the things that are important.
Indicate the learning objectives and requirements of your course so that those interested can learn more about them.
Certification: Here you can explain whether or which certificate the participants receive after completing the course or learning resource and which requirements are linked to it.
A cover image (jpg format) or a small video as a teaser movie (mp4 format) complete the description. The image is displayed in the catalog and the info page. Pay attention to the displayed technical specifications and the upload Limits.
You should definitely set a cover image or teaser movie. This makes the description much more attractive. Make sure that you do not display any text or just short keywords and that you use a visualization that matches the course or learning resource.
In the "Metadata" tab you can make further settings for the info page.
Authors: Here you can enter the responsible contact persons or lecturers. They do not have to match the creator of the learning resource. The field is a plain text field, the content is only displayed on the course overview page.
Main language: Enter the language in which the learning resource was created or the language in which the course, test, etc. will be conducted. There is no selection of courses based on the user language and this field.
The time required for the learning resource can also be entered here.
License: Select under which license the learning resource should be. The default setting is "All rights reserved", further settings of the Creative Commons can also be used here. The administrator defines which licenses can be set in the general OLAT settings.
In addition to the license, the licensor can also be registered.
In contrast to other learning resources, courses also have the tab "Execution" in the "Settings" menu.
Location: The place where a course or learning resource is held. This point is particularly useful for blended learning offers. If you only use the resource online, the field can remain empty. Alternatively, you can enter "online" or "Internet" here.
Implementation period: For "Course" type learning resources, an implementation period can be defined. The following options are possible:
- None: Select this option if the course does not start and end on a specific date. These rates are considered permanently active.
- With begin and end date: If a course has a certain start and end date, but this does not correspond to an available semester configuration, you can use this option to set course-specific dates.
- Semester: If semester data has been configured at system level, you can use this option to configure an execution for a specific semester. In this case, the start and end dates are controlled via the semester configuration.
The configured execution period is displayed in the list of learning resources and the metadata.
The ID of the learning resource, the creator, and the type of learning resource are automatically generated and displayed. You can also use the ID to search for the learning resource using the search template. You can also search by the type displayed.