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With the aid of this guideline you will be able to add a podcast to your course in no time and create your first episode.


Produce an audio or video file for your podcast episode by means of appropriate recording software (e.g. GarageBand) before saving it in a Flash-compatible format (FLV, MP3, MP4, M4V, M4A or AAC).

In case you have not created a course yet you will get further information in the chapter "Creating Courses" on how to proceed before generating a podcast by means of the following instruction.

Create Podcast


Step 1: Open course editor and insert podcast course element
1Search for your course in "Authoring", section "My entries," and open it.
2Click on "Course editor" in the drop-down menu "Tools" in the toolbar.
3Select position at which your Podcast course element should be inserted by clicking on it.
4Select "Podcast" in the pop-up "Insert course elements" in the toolbar.
5Indicate a short title for your course element in the tab "Title and description" and save your settings.
Step 2: Create a Podcast
1Click on "Select, create or import podcast" in the tab "Podcast learning content."
2Click on "Create."
3Indicate the title of your podcast. This information will appear in the header of your podcast. Click on "Create"
Step 3: Fill podcast with content
1Click on "Edit."
2If you want to add a picture to your podcast header just click on "Edit podcast" and upload pic.
3Click on "Create your own episode."
4Indicate title, select audio or video file from your computer, and click on "Publish."

Additional episodes can be added later on following the same pattern or directly within the course view.

Step 4: Publish and activate your course
1Select "Publish" in the toolbar on top.
2Check course element before clicking "Next."
3Select "All registered OpenOLAT users" from the pull-down menu, section "Modify course access."
4Click on "Finish."

Your podcast is now embedded and course participants can download the first episode.

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