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The menu item "Courses" provides you with access to courses freely accessible to you. In the main navigation just click on the item "Courses", the tab "Favourites" will open, containing all your bookmarked courses. Then there are several possibilities to search for learning resources:

My courses

This tab lists all courses you are a member of, either as coach or participant. This table, as well as the one in "Favourites" or "Search" can be filtered according to various criteria, among which member role, passed status or relevance.


In the catalog course authors can range their learning resources hierarchically, similar to a college or university catalog. Just navigate through its categories to find the learning content you are looking for.

Use the search mask in case you should not find the appropriate course in the catalog. It may be that the course author has not yet listed that course in the OpenOLAT catalog.

Search Mask

The search mask helps you to find all learning resources you have access to. You can look for titles, authors or ID.

The resulting table lists all courses you hav access to in alphabetical order. In addition you will find data regarding semesters and starting and end dates, depending on the table configuration.

It is advisable to set a bookmark after having found a specific course. In order to this, click on the little white flag to the left of the course title in the tabe, respectively in the middle section of the course box view. The next time you will find the course under your favourites, regardless of whether you are a course participant or not.

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