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If you would like to get to know how to use the course editor the following chapter will provide you with useful information. Having reached the end of our illustrated guide you will have created a course similar to the one created with the Wizard. However, in contrast to the Wizard you will have made yourself familiar with the features of the course editor and will therefore be able to edit courses or create more complex ones later on.

Step 1: Create course
1 Click on "Authoring" in the main navigation.
2 Select "Course" in the drop down menu "Create" in the toolbar.
3 Insert title and click "Create".
4 Add a description and more metadata like e.g. the requirements or a picture, and save.
5 Start course editor from the "Tools" drop down menu in the toolbar.
Step 2: Insert welcome page
1 Click "Insert course elements" in the course toolbar and select "Single page" in the knowledge transfer section. A new course element is always inserted right beneath the currently selected course element.
2 Indicate a short title in the tab "Title and description" and save your settings.
3 In the tab "Page content" click on "Select or create page".
4 Indicate the file name of the HTML page to be created (e.g. "welcome") and click on "Create".
5 Write a welcome message.
6 Click on "Save and close".
Step 3: Insert folder for courseware before uploading documents from your computer
1 Click "Insert course elements" in the course toolbar and select "Folder" in the knowledge transfer section. A new course element is always inserted right beneath the currently selected course element.
2 Indicate a short title in the tab "Title and description" and save your settings.
3 Click on "Open folder" in the tab "Folder configuration".
4 Select the link "Upload file."
5 Search for a document on your own computer and click "Upload".
Step 4: Insert discussion forum
1 Click "Insert course elements" in the course toolbar and select "Forum" in the communication and collaboration section. A new course element is always inserted right beneath the currently selected course element.
2 Indicate a short title in the tab "Title and description" and save your settings.
Step 5: Publish and activate your course
1 Select "Publish" in the course toolbar on the top.
2 All changes will automatically be published. Changes to a course element will not be published if you deselect it.
3 Click "Next".
4 Select "All registered OpenOLAT users" in the pull-down menu, section "Modification of course access".
5 Click "Next".
6 Select "Yes" in the "Add course to catalog" pull-down menu in the "Create catalog entry" section.
7 Click the "Add to catalog" button, elect the appropriate category and click "OK".
8 Click „Finish“.
9 Either click the red X in the top right corner or on the course name in the breadcrumb navigation in order to close the editor.

Now your course is visible for OpenOLAT users and can be used.

Your course is also now available in the catalog and course participants can find it in the corresponding category.

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