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Creating Wikis

A Wiki (Hawaiian for "fast") is a collaborative hypertext system for web pages. Here participants and coaches can create hypertexts together. By default, all participants have read and write access.

In OpenOlat a Wiki is a learning resource that can be used independently of a course or integrated into a course. Furthermore groups also contain a group tool "Wiki".

If a Wiki is integrated into a course it can be used in several courses. If you have not yet created a course you will find information on that in the chapter "Creating Courses" before you create your Wiki by means of the guide "Four steps to your Wiki".

Possible applications of Wikis

A wiki can be used, for example, for the joint text creation of groups or the entire plenum of a course. In this way the content of a course can be created cooperatively or the coach can create a wiki structure which the participants have to fill with appropriate content. A common idea, in the form of short profiles, can also be implemented in the Wiki.

Or use a Wiki as a knowledge base that can be created by course participants of a higher semester and used as a reference in preliminary courses or introductory events. Also thematic link collections or collections of exam questions can be created together in a Wiki.

Characteristics of an OpenOlat Wiki

In a wiki, all participants have equal rights and can edit, change and delete content (read and write rights) on all wiki pages. Only complete Wiki pages as well as the Wiki itself can only be deleted by the owner of learning resources or courses. In your course you can also adjust user permissions for participants and coaches in the tab "Wiki learning content".

Wiki pages are created, edited and linked by means of a Wiki syntax.
Make sure to create targeted links between the individual pages to create a real hypertext with multiple nodes.
If you can neither find the course element nor the learning resource "Wiki" in your OpenOlat instance an administrator has disabled this feature system-wide.

Make sure to create targeted links between the individual pages to create a real hypertext with multiple nodes.

If you can neither find the course element nor the learning resource "Wiki" in your OpenOlat instance an administrator has disabled this feature system-wide.

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