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Creating Videos

The chapter "Creating Video" explains course authors how to create videos as learning resource in OpenOlat and how to integrate them into a course. Here you will find information on how videos can be configured. Furthermore you will find information on how to embed videos in individual course pages and how to prepare videos for import in OpenOlat under "Single Page: Add/edit video".

In OpenOlat videos can be implemented in different ways:

  • as learning resource. The video is created in the authoring via the option "Import" or "Import URL" and then appears as an independent learning resource "Video". Information on the video learning resource and "Video Collection" can be found on the "Learning Resource: Video" page.
  • embedded in a single page , where videos uploaded as a file can be linked. Further information for the embedding of videos in the course element single page you can find on the page "Single Page: Add / edit video". Videos embedded this way are only available in the course where the video is embedded in the corresponding storage folder. Instead of storing videos in the storage folder of a course, they can also be stored in a resource folder. Included resource folders can be used in multiple courses.
  • directly as a file via the course element "Single page"
  • with the course element Podcast

If you can neither find the course element nor the learning resource "Video" in your OpenOlat instance an administrator has deactivated this feature system-wide.

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