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The question bank search enables you to find items in the pool or database you are just navigating in. It is not possible to conduct a comprehensive question bank search.

The simple search is a full text search over all item elements / fields. In order to ensure an opitimized search, please find information on the search syntax in the table below. The search is based on the lucene search library.

Syntax Example
Always use complete words, not just word parts.

Will not work: tes

Will work: test

Searching for word parts thus will only work when using wildcards. Lucene supports single and multiple character wildcard searches within single terms.

To perform a single character wildcard search use the "?" symbol.

To perform a multiple character wildcard search use the "*" symbol.


tes? = test

te*t = test, text, teaist, tent

Phrases, groups of words, can be found when surrounded by double quotes.|

Hello World = recalls all items containing either "Hello" and/or "World" (OR operator)

"Hello World" recalls all items containing exactly this phrase

Boolean operators allow terms to be combined through logic operators. Supported are " - " and " + " as boolean operators. The operators must be placed in front of the terms without a space.


+Hello +World = recalls all items containing both terms
(AND operator)

Hello -World = recalls all items containing the first term but not the second (NOT operator)

Some special characters are barred from using in the search, as they are reserved for Lucene, e.g. "_" and ":"| Using these special characters leads to unpredictable search results.

The advanced search provides you with a means to search across a set of defined fields, also including meta data fields. Different to the simple search, which searches over all elements, you decide exactly which term to search for in which field. This increases both recall and precision of the search. You can combine as many search terms/fields as required.

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