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Question Bank

A question bank is a database of individual test questions resp. items, usually in the QTI technical format, including all relevant information and metadata. Items are bundled and subsequently exported as a test learning resource back into OpenOlat.

The question bank is your personal collection of questions available for further use. The main activities in the question pool are the administration, search and publication of test questions, as well as the compilation of questions for test creation.

The main activities in the question bank are the administration, search and publication of test questions, and the compilation of items for test purposes.

The question bank is separated in three parts:

  • Under "My Question Bank" you will find My Questions, My Favorites, and Lists. Favorites and Lists are two ways to sort and organize items. Items that have been marked as favorites under "My Questions" will reappear under the "My Favorites" menu item. These are one and the same item. Changes in the Favorites are thus also saved under My Questions.
  • In the "Public shares" area, pools and groups are provided for the exchange of questions. While favorites and lists serve the personal order and sorting, the pools are the collection point for all shared items. Before an item is listed in a pool, it must either first be released by the owner or imported directly into the corresponding pool. Lists, pools and groups can be deactivated by the administration and are therefore not visible.
  • The last block is only visible if the review process is activated. In addition you will find your own subjects under "My question bank". When having the appropriate competencies also the blocks "Review" and "Final" appear.

Individual questions, entire sections or tests can also be exported directly from the test editor to the . To do this, select the "Export" → "Export to pool" link in the toolbar of the test editor. Depending on which level you are on in the menu tree on the left, either individual questions, individual sections or the entire test will be exported to the question pool.

The collaborative question pool in OpenOlat allows authors to store, create, edit, and reuse test questions as standalone items in a catalog-like structure. The questions can be shared with other people who have access to the pool according to the configuration in OpenOlat System Administration.

This chapter explains how individual test questions, called items, can be created, edited and managed using the question pool. Each item contains not only the question and the corresponding answers, but also information about e.g. author, creation date, keywords, but also characteristic values for item analysis can be added.

Pool-administrators have additional access to further specific configurations in the administration section of the question bank.

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