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Portal configuration

Provided that the portal function has been enabled by the administrator, OpenOlat users can configure their portal page. The sections in your Portal consist of various shortcuts to your groups, your learning resources, your calendar, your notifications, a comic strip, as well as to information on OpenOlat in general. You can choose which sections should be displayed in an arrangement of your choice.

Let us assume that most of the time you have to deal with groups. Therefore you may want to position the section "My groups" more prominently: just click on "Configure page" on your top right. Then move the section "My groups" wherever you want to by means of the arrows provided.

You can further determine how many entries should be visible within a certain section. In order to do this just click on one of the following icons: "Sort manually" or "Sort automatically." If you choose "Sort manually" you will be able to determine the selection of entries as well as their sequence.

If you do not want to see certain sections in your Home you can deactivate these sections. Deactivated sections will be displayed at the bottom of the page when configuring your Home. You can reactivate them anytime.

After completing your configuration you should click on "End configuration" on your top right.

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