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Working with Topic Assignment

Select topic

In the topic assignment, the persons responsible for the topic provide topics for term papers, presentations, webinar topics or projects, for example. Depending on the configuration, you can select one or more topics, upload files and view the files returned by the topic owner.

Table overview topic assignment

As a course participant, you will see the advertised topics in the table as well as further information such as the names of the responsible persons, the registration and submission period or the number of free places and can "choose" your desired topic. Depending on the configuration you can select one or more topics.

Topic status : If the topic status is set to "Vacancies", you can subscribe to a topic. This is possible until the maximum number of participants or an end date is reached. If the topic status is "Filled", no other users can register for this topic. If you have already selected a topic, the topic status is either "Temporary assignment" if the topic owner must accept you as a participant. As soon as the topic owner accepts you as a participant, the topic status is set to "Definite assignment". Alternatively, automatic acceptance is also possible.

As soon as your selection is final you will see the corresponding entry in the table and will find a link in the top right corner to the group with your topic's title (maybe this entry will only appear after your next OpenOlat login). You can only deselect a topic if the person in charge of that topic allows it. If there is a deadline for registration you will in any case not be able to deregister after that deadline.

You may not see all of the things listed because your coach is not using all of the features.

When clicking on that topic's title you will get further details:

Topic details

Topic : Via Topic you will find the topic's title.

In charge : Here you have a list of topic authors. When clicking on these authors' names you will get to their visiting cards to contact them.

Description : You will find more detailed information on this Topic.

Additional fields : You may be provided with further information in additional fields.

Registration deadline : If topic authors define a registration deadline you will only be able to select or deselect a topic within a certain period. Before and after that deadline topic authors can manually sign you in or out.

Due date : Up to this date, files can be submitted in the topic assignment folder.

Attachment : In the field Attachment topic authors can upload a file.

Submission process

Optionally, submissions can also be managed.

Upload files to the Drop Box

Click on the title of the topic. In the tab "Folder" you will find the drop folder. Depending on the configuration, the submission is scheduled and you can only upload files within the submission deadline. You will find detailed information about the deadlines in the tab "Description".

Download files from the Return Box

In the "Folders" tab, in the "Return folder" section, you will find the files that the topic owner has returned to you.

If you are authorized by the course author to act as topic author you can announce a topic. More information on accepting and supervising participants can be found in the chapter "Course Elements" → "Others" under the item "Course Element Topic Assignment".

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