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Course Problems and Error Messages

If you cannot open a course or single course elements it may be that the course author has not given you the relevant rights or the course is being updated at that very moment.

Authorization/access for the course

You find an interesting course and want to access the course view. If you get a message that you don't have enough permissions to start the course, the course has been password protected, time limited, or otherwise restricted to a specific group.

You may have been able to start a course and later encounter the error message that permissions have changed. The course owner has subsequently restricted course access or closed the course.

If the owner changes the access code to the course at a later point in time, however, all those who have logged into the course with the previous password will still have access to the course. The situation is different if the password has been set within the course on a structure element or the top- level course element.

If you need access to certain courses and cannot get in, please contact the respective owner of the course. He will check your authorization and can then send you the required password, enter you directly into the course or grant you access by other means.

Authorization / password protection for course elements (for conventional


You may not be able to see the entire content of a course, or you may not have access to certain course elements. The owner can e.g. release certain course elements only for certain groups, only at a certain time or after reaching a certain score in a test or similar. Also, certain areas of the course can be password protected. The access protection then applies to all subordinate course elements.

If it is unclear to you why you do not have access to these areas, please contact the course owner so that he can explain why you do not have permissions.

Permissions for sequential learning path courses

If the learning path course is released sequentially, you will see all course elements at the beginning, but you have to work through the elements one after the other to get to the next element. Depending on the configuration by the instructor you have to e.g. click the read confirmation, have submitted something, have reached a certain score, have passed the course element, etc. In the simplest case it is sufficient to simply call up the course element in order to then gain access to the following element. In the course, only a part of the course can be set up sequentially.

In the link "Learning path" in the toolbar you can also read in detail which (access) status the individual course elements have for you. Furthermore, you can see which elements are currently accessible for you by the display in the left navigation.

Course Modifications

When working on a course and getting the message that the course has been modified, the course author has just updated that course in the meantime. Click on the button "Close course and restart" to get to the updated course version.

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