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Tips and tricks for authors

We use the Material theme for MkDocs. See the Material for MkDocs Reference for a complete reference.

The following are a list of things we use commonly:



This is an admonition

See the list of supported types / icons and styles


Details are the same as admonitions but expandable / collapsable. Use Just use ??? for initially collapsed and ???+ for initially opened details. Use the same image classes as with the admonitions


Also available as collapsable items. Just use ??? instead of !!!

See the pymdown extension page to learn how this works in detail.

In-Page references Just use

Add {: #anchor-example} to any title element to create an anchor that can be referenced by other pages or in an external link. Make sure you use the same anchor name for all languages of the same page.

Here an example link to this chapter

Image width and alignment

Add { align=left} or { align=right} to format images left or right of text. More on this here

Add { width=200px} for the size. This can also be combiend like this: { align=left width=200px}

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