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User management

The user administration is a separate tab in the OpenOlat menu. Here you have access to the roles in different contexts. User administrators and administrators can

  • search for existing users
  • create new users
  • Import new users
  • delete user (administrator only)
  • configure user
  • displaying users according to different roles and assignments


If an OpenOlat instance uses several "organizations", the users can be displayed here sorted accordingly.

Organizational Roles

The following organizational roles are distinguished and can be used for a filtered display:

Course roles

Three course roles are distinguished: course owner, course coach and course participant. The members of the respective roles can be displayed and edited here.

Group Roles

There are two group roles: group coach and group participants. These can be displayed and edited.

Curriculum Roles

If an OpenOlat instance uses the curriculum, there are other roles available in addition to the usual course roles, whose members can be displayed and edited.

User roles

Depending on the configuration in the administration in the "Modules" area → "User to user", additional roles are available here that can be configured and displayed filtered.


Pending users, inactive users, blocked users and deleted users of the OpenOlat instance can be displayed here.

The "Deleted Users" table in the user management contains the following information that is relevant to the user deletion process:

  • Del_User name: In the delete process the user name of the deleted user is replaced by an ID.
  • Name / Last name: If the deleted user is an administrative user, first and last name are displayed here. If necessary, this data can also be deleted using the "Clear" action.
  • Deleted: When was the user deleted.
  • Roles: Displays the administrative roles of the person who was deleted.
  • Deleted by: Who deleted the user.
  • Clear: Action to delete the first and last names of administrative users.

Predefined searches

In the "Predefined search" queries menu you will find frequently used search queries, e.g. users who have been added in the last week, month or half-year or an overview of users who are not in a group.

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