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  • Instant Messaging
  • Wiki
  • Video
  • Contact tracing
  • Course reminders
  • COVID certificate
  • Document pool
  • Taxonomy
  • Live stream
  • Semester terms
  • Privacy
  • Bookings
  • Group
  • Lectures
  • Library
  • Forum
  • Course
  • Catalog
  • Repository
  • Organisations
  • Role user to user
  • Request account deletion
  • Curriculum
  • Quality management

Instant messaging

Here the OpenOlat chat and instant massaging can be activated or deactivated and further detailed settings can be made. For example you can decide if the chat function in groups and courses is available or if anonymous chat posts are possible.


Block Wiki resource : Wiki configuration: Disable the option "Enable Wiki resource" to block the Wiki system-wide. The Wiki component is currently still vulnerable to cross-site scripting attacks (XSS). Therefore the XSS scanner can be activated additionally. This can lead to impairments in the Wiki functionality in OpenOlat. If the XSS scanner is switched off, the Wiki can be used with the risk of an XSS attack. However, the Wiki component has automatic versioning, which makes it difficult for attackers to remain undetected.

Semester dates

Create and manage semester dates to be able to refer to a semester designation instead of a date for course durations. The semester data created here can be used when configuring the execution period of a course in learning resource management. For example, "SoSe22" could be used as the designation and "Summer semester 2022" as the name.


Here you can define if course authors and learners are allowed to create new groups. Possible rights for group administrators and learning resource administrators in the group context can also be defined. In order to meet data protection requirements, it can be defined whether an e-mail must be sent when inviting users to courses and groups and whether the invitation results in direct membership or must first be confirmed by the invited user. Administrators can also purge course and group members here.


Administrators can define here if pseudonymous forum posts are allowed and also define the appropriate default configuration for forums.


In the "Settings" tab, the default type for OpenOlat courses, learning path or traditional course, can be defined. Settings for assessable course elements can also be made here. In the tab "Didactic Types" new didactic types can be defined and existing ones can be edited or deleted. Categories for color categories with CSS classes and style images can also be added here.

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