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The "Customizing" menu contains settings regarding:

  • Layout
  • Imprint
  • Help
  • Language adaption tool
  • Portal
  • Sites

Representation, layout

The system layout, a company logo and properties regarding the footer can be stored here.


Activation and configuration of the imprint, also for different languages


Here you can define which help pages are provided via the help iconin the general menu. A link to the support contact form is also possible.

Speech adaptation tool

Individual text elements can be adjusted here if required.


Settings for the tab "Home"


Here you define which OpenOlat areas are made available system-wide and which rights and role groups are granted access to each area.

If guests are to have access to courses either "Catalog" or "My Courses (including Catalog)" has to be activated for guests.

If courses that are accessible for guests are to appear in the catalog, these courses have to be added to the catalog. This can be done by the course owner, the catalog administrator or the system administrator.

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