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Create Groups

Groups can generally be created in the "Groups" tab. In addition, it is also possible to create groups within courses.

Create Groups in the menu item Groups

The menu item "Groups" on top in the main navigation is your starting point for creating a group. Click the button and enter a name for your group. Determine the maximum numbers of participants and save your settings.

Creating groups - Options

Group Names

You have to provide your group with a name. You can choose any name including symbols and numerals. The group's name appears in the overview of your group as well as in the navigation. When creating groups though please mind to choose appropriate group names. OpenOlat users will appreciate to be able to draw conclusions from group names regarding the purpose of the group. You could e.g. select the name "ParticipantsSocialPolicy" instead of just "Participants." Or you could add your initials or a date. All groups can be published by configuring a booking method - you should therefore aim for a distinct, unique group name.


You can optionally provide your group with further details. It will appear on your overview page when starting your group.


As the description can also be displayed as a column in the overview of the groups it is recommended to use only short descriptions. Longer texts should rather be provided via the Group tool "Information to members".

Number of Participants

When creating a group or later in the group administration there is the option to limit the number of participants; you can determine how many members your group should have. If the planned number of participants is exceeded, your course participants will receive a notification that there are no more vacancies. If you leave this field empty, your group will be open to any number of participants.


Wird eine Gruppe mit einem Kurs verknüpft können Kursbesitzer auf diesem Weg auch die Anzahl der Teilnehmenden eines Kurses steuern.

Waiting list

If you want to limit the number of participants you can nevertheless add a waiting list to your group. With an activated waiting list, potential members can enter their names on that list in case the limit is exceeded. If there are members leaving the group or if the group coach cancels some previous registrations, persons on the waiting list will move up automatically if the option "Moving up automatically" has been selected. Here you can determine if users on your waiting list shall automatically be transferred to your group whenever there are vacancies. The main criterion here is the date of registration: the first one on the waiting list will be the one to move into your group.

Wer kann Gruppen erstellen?

Sofern von OpenOlat Administrator aktiviert kann jeder OpenOlat-Benutzer, nicht nur Autoren, selbständig Gruppen erstellen, den Gruppen vielfältige Werkzeuge zuordnen und beliebig viele andere OpenOlat-Benutzer in die Gruppe einladen.

Creating groups for courses

OpenOlat Autoren haben darüber hinaus auch die Möglichkeit, kursspezifische Gruppen direkt im gewünschten Kurs Mitgliederverwaltung zu erstellen. Dies geschieht im Normalfall in der Mitgliederverwaltung eines Kurses im Untermenü "Gruppen. Darüber hinaus können auch im Kurseditor an einigen Stellen Gruppen im jeweiligen Kontext erstellt werden. Hierzu zählen der Einschreibebaustein und die Gruppenaufgabe. Darüber hinaus können in herkömmlichen Kursen im Tab Sichtbarkeit oder Zugang ebenfalls Gruppen erstellt werden.