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Learning path course

What are learning path courses?

Since OpenOlat version 15, there are two variants of OpenOlat courses: Traditional courses and Learning Path courses.

The learning path course type helps learners keep track of their course activities. The visualization of the learning path shows at a glance what they have already completed, where the learners are currently in the course and which course elements they may or must still work on.

Authors and coaches also benefit from the new course type. For coaches, the learning path report provides improved participant tracking. This makes it possible to react to the individual learning progress of participants and offer targeted support.

Learning path courses are primarily intended for linear course structuring, but can also be structured entirely or in parts hypertextually. Learning path courses are particularly suitable for the development of self-learning courses and online tutorials. Learning paths can be used to give learners a specific structure and sequence to follow.

If nothing else is mentioned in the online help, the term "course" refers to conventional courses. If it is about learning path courses, this will be mentioned explicitly.


Please note: Learning path courses cannot be unlocked for guests. If this is an important aspect for your implementation, please use a conventional course.

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